If you are a SaaS startup or any small business, ThreatProwler helps you discover your internet-facing assets, scan for vulnerabilities in web, email and other servers and collects threat intelligence information related to your domain. In summary, a comprehensive threat management solution with actionable reports.
While there are similar offerings available in the market, small business or start-up focused offerings are rare. Our solution is unique since it performs the scan from an attacker's perspective, which means that when a domain name is provided, we discover assets and perform the scans. No credentials or any further information is required.
We ascertain that a validated individual from that company is performing the scan and only the domain belonging to the email ID can be scanned. Thus users cannot scan arbitrary domains.
Most start-ups and companies will have some kind of security measures in place. However, they most likely do not know their blind spots. ThreatProwler, apart from identifying these blind spots, even makes an assessment if any possible attack or compromise has already occurred.
Currently, there are 3 plans: FREE, BASIC and ADVANCED. While the BASIC plan costs USD$ 49, the ADVANCED plan costs USD$ 99 per scan. Refer to plan details to know the feature differences.
It is highly recommended to perform these scans every 2 weeks or at least twice a month. We are in the process of creating subscription packs for customers who want to perform regular scans and this will be available soon.
We are working on a host of new features like scheduling a scan, comparison of historical scans and a dashboard to perform these actions. An administrator login also will be available to allow/block authorised individuals to perform the scan.
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